Saturday, July 23, 2016

It's Milking Time!

Well, we got a Jersey cow for our little homestead and have been milking her since mid June. This has been quite the adventure and it only gets better.

 We are getting about three (3) gallons a day on average. What am I doing with all this milk? Well, this is where the Internet is handy. While we have no TV, we do have Internet access, so I went to Pinterest and found many pins for things to make with fresh raw milk. I have made mozzarella, ricotta, feta, and yogurt, butter, coffee creamer and ice cream so far. But the possibilities are endless!

(Creamer, ricotta and mozzarella in the making.)

(Ricotta can be made from the whey after making mozzarella or made with milk, cream and vinegar.)

Some of the cheeses are just close enough to the real thing to be called ricotta or feta. The butter and ice cream are churned by hand. I also made some fresh buttermilk biscuits for a strawberry rhubarb shortcake...topped with vanilla ice cream. I baked a cake using milk and I have even frozen buttermilk for use later. 

Adding things like fresh herbs or garlic scapes to the butter is fun. I can't wait to try adding these things to my 

With an abundance of milk there is no end to what I can and am willing to make. Pinterest is a great resource and many ideas have been used, tweaked and such for the cheeses seen in these photos. is also a wonderful place to find recipes and tips for making cheese and this is where I found my yogurt recipe.

This is my milk cake with my vanilla bean yogurt...see the black specks of vanilla?

Even our pigs benefit from the milk...see, bacon does come from milk. This is the leftover whey from all my cheese making. I have used some to boil pasta too and will do so again in the future. But for today the pigs are getting a special treat with their veggie scraps. 

So...this is how I am spending my summer. Getting this making-it-with-milk thing down, so when school starts I can keep up with all this yummy goodness

Oh, and I must not forget..."milk, it does a [human] body good!" Cheers!